Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions

For the purposes of these terms:

We and Us means Seg International College who will provide the service to you.

You means the student receiving the services.

Course means an online distance learning course.

Course Materials means the materials relating to any one course, together with all revision and updates made by us, which
may be in any format and which are required by the student to complete the course.

2. Cancellation of Course

Your statutory right under the Consumer Contracts Regulations June 2014, which implement the Consumer Rights Directive
in UK law, allows 14 days from entering a service contract in which you can cancel it. This means that you have 14 days
from your enrolment on a course to request cancellation. To avoid any misunderstandings, emails or telephone cancellations
are not acceptable and you must send your cancellation request in writing to Student Services. After the 14 days have
elapsed, we cannot accept any course cancellation under any circumstances and all the fees are payable. No refund of deposit
or stage payments will be made if the student withdraws later than this. Outstanding fees must be paid in full.

If you withdraw from a course, you will be charged a Withdrawal Administration fee of GBP £250.

Registration fees are nonrefundable.

If, while already studying a course with Seg International College Ltd, you wish to transfer to another course which is of a
lesser value, no refund of the difference, if any, will be made. Seg International College Ltd will only consider a refund of
any difference if the request to change course is made within 14 days of enrolment.

3. Fee Payments

Study Fees must be paid according to the payments schedule agreed when you enrol with us. Please note that this

also applies during informal or formally arranged interruptions to your studies.

If a student has chosen to pay their fees by instalments, we will require debit / credit card details for payments. The credit /
debit card will be charged on 1st of each month with the scheduled payment instalment, for the duration of the issued
payment plan. All information is held confidently and securely, and is destroyed after the student has finished their

We can ONLY accept debit / credit card payments for instalment payments. We do not accept any other forms of payment
for instalment payments. A payment form MUST be completed and returned to the Accounts Department before you are
enrolled on the course.

When payment has been agreed by way of an instalment plan, you agree to make the required payment on the dates agreed
from the outset. In the event of a payment not being received, you agree to pay the sum due within 24 hours of being notified
or an administration fee will be applied.

Interest will be charged on late payments under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 19

Should your payment not be received within 7days from the due date, then you will be in breach of contract and the full
amount owing for the course will become due for immediate payment.

If necessary, a Debt Recovery Agency will be appointed to recover outstanding payments. The Debt Recovery Agency will
apply further costs for the collection of the amount owing. Once your account has been passed to a Debt Recovery Agency,
you will deal exclusively with the Agency. Once you have been passed to a Debt Recovery Agency, you will not be able to
reenrol on any of our courses.

Students who withdraw after they have officially started the course, or are formally withdrawn from the course by the
school, will be required to pay all outstanding fees for the course. To avoid any doubt, you have entered into a legally
binding contract to pay the course fees in full and any additional fees where appropriate. No refund will be given if a student
fails a course.

4. Postal and Courier Charges

Initial Postal and Courier charges are included in the study fee, and paid for by us when sending study materials and
certificates. However, please note that if the study materials or certificate are returned to us, due to you providing an
incorrect or inadequate address, or the study materials or certificates are not being picked up from a notified collection point,
or you changing address during the delivery period, you will be charged for the cost of resending the materials and or

5. Interruption of Studies

During the course, you may experience personal difficulties and can temporarily stop or delay your studies, for a period of
up to 3 months, agreed with Student Services. An Interruption of Studies form must be completed to formalise this
arrangement. Please note that retrospective approval for a formal interruption of studies will not be allowed.

If you fail to restart your studies after a period of 2 months from your restart date you will be deemed to have left the course.

A maximum of 3 months interruption of studies can be taken during the period of the course.

You can only apply for an interruption of studies after 3 months from your official course start date. Interruption of studies
applies only to Diploma level courses and HND/HNC courses.

During any informal or formally arranged Interruption of Studies, stage payments must continue to be paid, as agreed at the
start of the course.

6. Assignment Submission Deadlines

All students must submit their assignments according to the deadlines on the timetable, emailed at the start of the course. A
student can apply for extensions on their assignment submission deadlines, but they can only apply for two extensions for
the duration of their course. Students can apply for up to 3 weeks extensions on two assignments for the duration of their
course. Students, who are studying courses that consist of 1 unit, can ONLY have one extension on their assignment. When
students are granted an extension, this does not affect future assignment deadlines.

Extensions must be given officially by Student Services.

It is the students responsibility to apply for an extension or interruption. Seg International College reserve the right to deny
access, without notice, to the course, for any student if a submission deadline is not met and no contact has been made by the

7. Contact

Should you not submit an assignment to us for a period of longer than 2 months, you will be deemed to have withdrawn
from the course, and will not be eligible for a refund of fees paid. Any outstanding fees must be paid. The Journal is NOT an

If your course does not require assignments, then you must stay in contact with your tutor. It you do not contact your tutor
for a period of longer than 2 months, then you will be deemed to have withdrawn from the course, and will not be eligible
for a refund of fees paid. Any outstanding fees must be paid.

Please note that retrospective approval for a formal interruption of studies will not be allowed.

It may be possible, in the case of exceptional circumstances, supported by the provision of satisfactory evidence, to allow
you to restart the course. You will be required to pay a restart fee of £250.

We cannot restart you on your course if you have been out of contact for 4 months or more.

The final decision about restarting students will be entirely at the discretion of the School’s Senior Management Team.

8. Plagiarism

If you are found guilty of plagiarism (submitting coursework which is not your own work) you will be removed from the
course. Fees already paid will not be refunded, and any outstanding fees will remain due for payment.

9. Other Terms

Please note that we can only communicate with the student directly enrolled with Brighton School of School and
Management, we cannot communicate with any third party.

All coursework and questions must be uploaded to your tutor via the upload facilities provided by Moodle.

It is the students responsibility as a private candidate to find an examination centre, if the course requires examinations.

As a provider, and in line with updated accreditation criteria, Seg International College can only allow one submission per
unit for grading. If after this your assignment has still not achieved at least a Pass, Seg International College, at its discretion,
may allow one final attempt. If this final attempt has still not achieved at least a Pass, the assignment and course will be a

If the student requests a further attempt, this will be subject to agreement by the Centre Management team and will carry a
unit fee of £200 to retake the unit.

10. Complaints

If you have a complaint, concern or criticism about any services we offer, please contact us at

11. Data Protection

This privacy statement applies to any personal data you may give to Seg International College Ltd. We collect any personal
data you may give us when you begin your course. We will also collect contact details from prospective students. We
maintain data on your transactions with us as well as your use of our services.

The personal information which we hold is held securely.

12. Student Behaviour

Seg International College Ltd will not accept any inappropriate behaviour directed at any member of staff under any
circumstances. This includes bad language and threats via email, in writing, over the
member of staff under any circumstances. This includes bad language and threats via email, in writing, over the telephone or in person. Seg International College Ltd reserves the right to remove the student from their course, with no entitlement to a refund of fees and payment for any outstanding fees will be required in full.

13. Moodle Terms of Use

When using the VLE (Moodle), students must:

Respect the rights of others.
Remember to logout at the end of each session.

Comply with current and future legislations including:

The Data Protection Act 1998
Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988

Computer Misuse Act 1990

Telecommunications Act 1984

Protection from Harassment Act 1997

The following are not permitted:

The creation, display, production, storage, circulation or transmission of pornographic or other offensive material
in any form or medium. (Including sending, posting or displaying offensive images, language or any other type of
offensive content including the bullying, harassment or intimidation of others.

Users must not create, store or transmit:

Defamatory or libelous material
Material that infringes copyright

Unsolicited commercial or advertising material

Users are not permitted to:

Intentionally provide or submit false informatio

Intentionally restrict network traffic with high bandwidth use.

Flood forums and other services unnecessarily or with inappropriate content/material.

Edit or modify any element of the VLE without permission.

Use others’ passwords or login identities.

Deliberately introduce any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other harmful or nuisance programme or file, or deliberately
circumvent any precautions taken by Seg International College to prevent this from happening.

Use any service for commercial purposes or profit.

Use any service for political purposes.

Use any service inappropriately during class time.

Copy any code, software or content provided without permission.

Provide access to nonSeg International College members without permission.

Violate copyright laws, data protection laws and computer misuse laws.

14. Terms of Use for Related Websites


The use of the Seg International College Ltd Web Site is subject to these terms and by using the site www.seginternationalcollege.com and any websites related to Seg International College, you show your agreement to such terms.

15. Awarding Bodies


Seg International College Ltd reserves the right to change the awarding body we use for qualifications and will always offer
an equivalent or better qualification.